Monday, January 18, 2010

Rain In The Afternoon

Finished reviewing the third galley yesterday, certain that we've got everything right. RAIN IN THE AFTERNOON ought to be hitting the shelves in another couple of months.
Heard from Hunter Smith who served once as a medical missionery in Nigeria. He still hears from people with whom he worked, and some that he saved (perhaps in more ways than one). His good works there live after him, but I was saddened to think that from now on we've got to check their underwear whenever they fly.
Another friend has broken her ribs. Wow, that really hurts! There's an old song: "I Think Of You With Every Breath I Take". Fits the occasion.
Sister-in-law, Edie and nephew Christopher will arrive by train in March. They recently lost my brother, Christopher's dad to transitional cell cancer of the bladder with generalized metastases. Our father died of it; so did our sister--talk about familial traits. A wise oncologist would have prescribed hospice and a comfortable ending. The self-serving idiot prescribed chemotherapy instead, and my brother suffered terminally.
After the loss of three sibs, I'm the oldest, but still the last of the Mohecans.